25 Things You Should Do Before Boarding a Plane, According to a Frequent Flier

Embarking on a journey requires meticulous preparation to ensure a seamless travel experience. Frequent fliers have honed their pre-boarding rituals to perfection, and we’re here to unveil the ultimate checklist for a stress-free and enjoyable flight. In this comprehensive guide, we present 25 expert-backed tips that go beyond the basics, providing you with a roadmap to elevate your travel game.

1. Craft a Masterful Travel Itinerary

Before stepping foot in the airport, craft a masterful travel itinerary. Double-check flight details, confirm your passport validity, and familiarize yourself with visa requirements. A well-thought-out plan is the cornerstone of a successful journey.

2. Strategic Packing for Effortless Security Checks

Efficient packing not only maximizes luggage space but also ensures a smooth passage through security. Place liquids in a clear bag, keep electronics easily accessible, and choose shoes that can be effortlessly slipped off during checks.

3. Weather Wisdom: Know Before You Go

Stay ahead of the game by checking the weather at your destination. Pack accordingly to be prepared for any unexpected climate changes, ensuring your comfort throughout the trip.

4. App Arsenal: Download Essential Travel Apps

Arm yourself with essential travel apps. From flight tracking to currency conversion and language translation, these digital companions will be your allies in navigating the complexities of travel.

5. Fortify Your Fortress: Secure Your Home

Before leaving for the airport, fortify your home. Lock all doors and windows, set up alarms, and enlist a neighbor’s help in collecting mail. A secure home provides peace of mind while you’re away.

6. Document Discipline: Organize Important Papers

Keep all crucial travel documents in one easily accessible folder. This includes your passport, boarding pass, travel insurance, and any other paperwork relevant to your journey.

7. Power Play: Charge Your Electronic Devices

Avoid mid-flight device inconveniences by ensuring all your electronic devices are fully charged. A dead battery won’t hinder your ability to navigate, communicate, or entertain yourself during the journey.

8. Fashion Forward Comfort: Dress Stylishly and Comfortably

Strike the perfect balance between style and comfort in your attire. Opt for layers to adapt to varying temperatures on the plane, ensuring you arrive at your destination looking and feeling your best.

9. Hydration Station: Drink Water Before Boarding

Combat the dehydrating effects of airplane cabins by starting your journey well-hydrated. Drink plenty of water before boarding to counteract the dry air on the plane.

10. Snack Smart: Pack Nutrient-Rich Snacks

Pack a variety of nutrient-rich snacks to keep your energy levels up during the flight. Avoid heavy or greasy foods that may lead to discomfort in the air.

11. Weighty Matters: Double-Check Baggage Allowance

Ensure your luggage aligns with the airline’s baggage allowance to avoid unexpected fees. Weigh your bags at home to prevent last-minute repacking at the airport.

12. Time is Your Ally: Arrive Early and Stay Calm

Grant yourself ample time to navigate the airport. Arriving early reduces stress and allows for unforeseen delays or issues, ensuring a calm and collected departure.

13. Frequent Flyer Rewards: Join Loyalty Programs

Consider enrolling in frequent flyer programs offered by airlines. These programs often provide perks such as priority boarding, lounge access, and exclusive discounts.

14. Auditory Oasis: Invest in Noise-Canceling Headphones

Block out the airport hustle or airplane engine hum with quality noise-canceling headphones. Elevate your in-flight experience by creating your own auditory oasis.

15. Breathe Deep: Practice Mindful Breathing

Combat pre-flight jitters with mindful breathing exercises. Deep, slow breaths can help calm nerves and reduce anxiety, setting the tone for a relaxed journey.

16. Limber Up: Stretch and Move Before Boarding

Counteract the effects of prolonged sitting by stretching and moving before boarding. Simple exercises like leg lifts and shoulder rolls enhance blood circulation and overall comfort.

17. Seat Selection Science: Choose Wisely

Your seat choice can significantly impact your comfort during the flight. Whether it’s an aisle seat for easy access or a window seat for the view, choose strategically.

18. Comfort Companions: Travel Pillow and Blanket

Enhance your in-flight comfort with a travel pillow and blanket. A supportive neck pillow and a cozy blanket can make a world of difference in the quality of your rest.

19. Entertainment Arsenal: Load Up on Distractions

Prepare a diverse entertainment arsenal for the flight. Load your tablet or e-reader with books, movies, or music to turn a long flight into an enjoyable experience.

20. Rule Respect: Familiarize Yourself with Airline Protocols

Stay informed about the specific protocols of the airline you’re flying with. Understanding safety procedures, seatbelt rules, and other guidelines ensures a smooth journey.

21. Health is Wealth: Prioritize Your Well-Being

Boost your immune system by taking vitamins or supplements before your trip. Prioritizing your health is crucial in preventing travel-related illnesses.

22. Connect and Share: Stay Connected with Loved Ones

Inform your loved ones about your travel plans and keep them updated. Having a support system aware of your journey adds an extra layer of comfort.

23. Time Travel: Adjust to Time Zones Early

Minimize the effects of jet lag by adjusting your watch and internal clock to the destination’s time zone before arrival. This proactive approach aids in a smoother transition.

24. Attitude of Gratitude: Practice Thankfulness

Approach your journey with a grateful mindset. Practicing gratitude positively influences your overall travel experience, fostering a sense of fulfillment.

25. Journey’s End: Reflect and Plan for Arrival

Take a moment to reflect on your travel experience and plan for your arrival. This includes arranging transportation from the airport, confirming accommodation details, and outlining your itinerary.


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